Jennifer Holt’s services are available by self-referral or through other professionals such as criminal defense lawyers, probation officers, Children’s Aid Society workers, and through friends and family of the client. Jennifer offers both individual, couple and/or group counselling for her clients depending on their needs.
Many of her clients are mandated individuals who have been convicted of having committed either a sexual or violent offence. They may have committed abuse in their intimate relationships or they may have committed a sexual offence against either another adult or a child.
Jennifer specializes in working with male sexual abuse survivors who are perpetrators of sexual violence. More recently, she has worked with the non-offending parent of a child(ren) who has been sexually or violently abused.
Appointments by: Phone, or Secure Encrypted Video Conference
We make every effort to respect the confidentiality of your information. During your first visit the limits of confidentiality will be discussed and “Release of Information” forms signed.